Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the number of calories your body needs to maintain basic functions like breathing, circulation, and cell production.
BMR Calculator Reference
Do you want to know your basal metabolic rate? Here is a calculator available for this purpose. A BMR Calculator is based on Mifflin – St. Jeor equation. The BMR Calculator is the amount of energy required while taking a nap in a moderate environment when your digestive system is inactive. In such a situation, the energy is required to maintain the working of vital organs of the body including heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, lungs, sex organs, muscles and skin. The interesting thing about BMR is that it increases with muscle mass and decreases with age.For an accurate BMR Rate, it is necessary to have an inactive nervous system that means a person should be sleeping or taking a nap. Basal metabolism is the largest component of your total calorie requirements.
The BMR in most cases is predictable with equations summarized from statistical data. The most commonly followed formula is the Mifflin – St Jeor equation:
🧮 BMR Formulas
📏 Metric Formula: BMR=10×weight(kg)+6.25×height(cm)−5×age+SBMR = 10 \times weight(kg) + 6.25 \times height(cm) – 5 \times age + SBMR=10×weight(kg)+6.25×height(cm)−5×age+S
📏 U.S. Formula: BMR=66+(6.23×weight(lbs))+(12.7×height(inches))−(6.8×age)BMR = 66 + (6.23 \times weight(lbs)) + (12.7 \times height(inches)) – (6.8 \times age)BMR=66+(6.23×weight(lbs))+(12.7×height(inches))−(6.8×age)
🔹 S = +5 for men, -161 for women
BMR Calculator
Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) tells you how many calories your body burns at rest. Use the calculator below to find out.
Metric Units
U.S. Units
🔍 How to Interpret Your BMR
Your BMR is the number of calories your body needs to function at rest. To **maintain your weight**, you need to consume this amount daily. If you want to **lose weight**, you need to **consume fewer calories** than your BMR. If you want to **gain weight**, you need to **consume more calories** than your BMR.
📊 Example Calculations
📌 Example 1: Metric System
Let’s say **John** is **30 years old**, **weighs 70kg**, and is **175cm tall**.
Using the formula:
\[ BMR = (10 × 70) + (6.25 × 175) – (5 × 30) + 5 \] \[ = 700 + 1093.75 – 150 + 5 \] \[ = 1648.75 \text{ kcal/day} \]
📌 Example 2: U.S. System
Now let’s say **Sarah** is **25 years old**, **weighs 140 lbs**, and is **65 inches tall**.
Using the formula:
\[ BMR = 655 + (4.35 × 140) + (4.7 × 65) – (4.7 × 25) \] \[ = 655 + 609 + 305.5 – 117.5 \] \[ = 1452 \text{ kcal/day} \]
Start calculating your BMR today and manage your diet better! 🚀
Total number of calories you need in order to maintain your current weight
If you want lose weight, lower your calorie intake. (Reduce your calorie intake by 500 calories per day to lose 2.2 kgs in one week)
If you want to gain body weight, you need to consume more calories than you burn. (Eat an extra 500 calories per day to gain 2.2 kgs in one week)
BMR = 10 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) – 5 * age(y) + 5 (man)
BMR = 10 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) – 5 * age(y) – 161 (woman)